Alwin Nikolais Centennial Celebration, 1910–2010

From the Horse’s Mouth: Remembering Nik

Abrons Art Center (Henry Street Settlement Playhouse), New York City, April 30, 2010

Conceived and directed by
Tina Croll and James Cunningham

In a night of remembrances and sometimes tender reminiscing, Nikolais alumnae came together on stage at the Henry Street Settle­ment Playhouse to relate a special memory of their experience with Nik, while others improvised in the background.

A reception was held following the perfor­mance. Suzy McDermaid Fridell provided the wine from her vineyard in California. Photos on the right are by Lynn Lesniak. (Hold mouse over photos to pause slide changes.)

For more photos of the rehearsals, perfor­mance and reception, visit Joe Zina’s face­book album and Whitney Browne’s photo set on flickr.
Horse’s Mouth rehearsal at the Abrons Art Center

RECEPTION: Early Nikolais alumnae Gladys Bailin, Murray Louis, Beverly Blossom, Phyllis Lamhut, and Coral Martindale Aubert

Early alumnae again with Ruth Grauert

Alberto Del Saz, Janis Brenner, Sarah Pearson, Helen Kent Nicoll, and Peter Kyle

Lynn Lesniak Needle, Jim Van Abbema, Bob Beswick, Suzy McDermaid Fridell, Susie Creitz, Joe Zina, Janis Brenner, and Mitch Bogard

Suzy McDermaid, Ken Sherrill, Joan Woodbury, Bob Beswick, Gerald Otte, Coral Martindale, ?-?, Eric Dunlap, Pamela Levy, Kim Gibillisco, and Bob Turner

?-? indicates an unidentified person in the sixth photo; if you know who it is, please let us know!